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Lent Servent of the Lord

Lenten Devotions

Devociones Cuaresma

Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries

Lamb of God Cover In Jesus Christ, God Himself enters our human condition. In Servant of the Lord, we see Jesus as Godā€™s Son and our Redeemer. He has made the Heavenly Father known to us. Proclaiming the kingdom of God, Jesus served usā€”lovingly, patiently, compassionatelyā€”as He died for our sins and rose three days later in Easter victory.

We have in Jesus the supreme example of devoted service. His teachings defined the lives we are to liveā€”both in praise and honor to God and in love and peace toward one another. All this Jesus did as Godā€™s chosen Servant, sent from heaven to earth to be our King, Savior, and trusted Friend.

Daily Devotions from LHM will help strengthen and encourage your faith as you do the same for others. Have them delivered right to your inbox, podcast the audio devotional, access them on your mobile device through the FREE app, or listen with Spotify, iHeart Radio, Alexa, or Google Home. Seasonal Devotions for Advent and Lent are available here in both English and Spanish, as well as in French, and Chinese from our ministry center in Canada. Perfect for personal reflection or to share with family, friends, and congregations, these seasonal meditations will help prepare you to celebrate the true meaning of these seasons.

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